Thursday, August 15, 2013

The Tampon Run

When I first got into this business, I landed an internship with a husband and wife production team that shot commercials. I was super stoked because I really wanted to get into the commercial market, but had never had the opportunity to do so. I knew that my job would be pretty much whatever they needed me to do, and I was ok with that. Then one day, I get a call from the wife, who says she needed me to pick up a few things on my way to the location. The list included tampons. At this point, I should probably point out that I'm male, and I'm an only child. I had managed to get to the age of 25 without ever having to purchase feminine hygiene products. I let her know I would stop at a store and would be in shortly.

I walked in to the grocery store and start grabbing the other items on the list, and then head for the "all things female" aisle. It was at this point that I realized that she didn't really specify what kind and there were seemingly hundreds of options. There were super duper ones, and little tiny ones, and sporty ones. I had no idea what to get. So, in the middle of the store, I called her back. I can't possibly express how awkward that phone call was. She told me what kind she wanted and I immediately grabbed them and headed for the check out. The best part of this awkward story is that the checkout girl ringing up my stuff, picks up the tampons and says, "Heavy flow kinda day, huh?"

Needless to say, I had a hard time looking at my boss in the eyes for awhile.