Thursday, July 11, 2013

The Sex Offender

 "Take him to Buffalo Wild Wings and then go with him to buy underwear...he didn't bring any with him." Those were my instructions for the day being a PA on the daytime talk tv show I was on. I had just graduated college and it was my first real job in the industry. First, let me tell you that the man I was referring to is a convicted sex offender for exposing himself at a school yard and a possible child molester. He was coming on the show to take a lie detector test to see if he had indeed committed a sex act on a child.

"I don't think I feel comfortable hanging out with him all day by myself", I told my Producer. But I was reminded that it was my job as a PA to entertain him until show time. $8.75 an hour to entertain a sex offender?! WHAT IS MY LIFE?!?! So, sure enough we went to lunch and then shopping at Target to buy him boxers. He even wanted my opinion on what pair to get. (He ended up buying Guitar Hero boxers in case you were interested). Good grief.

Fast forward a year, and this man called me from jail to see how I was doing (I don't even know how he got my cell phone number). The joys of working in talk TV!

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